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Getting Started

This guide will show you how to set-up the most basic Euterpe installation. At the end of it you will have it monitoring a single directory for music and its web UI will be accessible without authentication on your local machine.

For more advanced installation see the rest of the documentation.


Euterpe is a software which consist of two parts. A server and a varying number of clients. The server is where your music is stored and served to clients. The clients are the actual programs which play the music for you. Clients access the server over internet via the HTTP protocol. Example for clients will be an app on a mobile phone, a desktop program or indeed, a web page.

This guide will help you run an Euterpe server which comes with a bundled web client which you could use with your browser. You could do that on your own computer or on an actual server in a data centre.

Option 1: Docker

This is the easiest way to get you started. The only thing you need is a working Docker installation.

For Linux/MacOS/BSDs:

docker run -v "${HOME}/Music/:/root/Music" -p 8080:9996 ironsmile/euterpe:latest euterpe -D

For Windows:

docker run -v "%userprofile%/Music/:/root/Music" -p 8080:9996 ironsmile/euterpe:latest euterpe -D

Then point your browser to http://localhost:8080 and you will see the Euterpe web UI. The -v flag in the Docker command will mount your Music directory to be discoverable by Euterpe.

Note that the method above will run an image (the latest) which uses the latest version on the master branch. Which might be unstable at times. You might want to choose a particular release tag instead.

For more details how to run effectively run Euterpe in a Docker container see the Docker section of the documentation.

Option 2: Run Natively

Running software in a Docker image is easy at first but mounting directories will become old pretty fast. The main issue is harder access to the configuration file and the required volume management if one wants to preserve the Euterpe database, logs and configuration. You could do it and if you want to, read the relevant documentation. But if you just want to run the program without images and containers, continue reading this section.

The main goal is to have the euterpe binary installed for your OS. Head over to the installation section and follow the instructions. At the end of it you will have a euterpe binary in your $PATH (for Linux/macOS/BSDs) or euterpe.exe in your programs directory.

Then just run it with the -D flag and you will have Euterpe running and looking into your Music directory for files.


euterpe -D


.\euterpe -D

With that done, point your browser to http://localhost:9996 and you should see the web UI!

Add More Music Directories

At that point you might want to add a different directory (or “folder” in Microsoft parlance) with music. Maybe you have an external drive, or a network storage or you simily don’t use your OS profile’s Music directory. Then you will have to add a new library path in the configuration file. It will be at the following place:

  • /root/.euterpe/config.json for in the Docker image
  • $HOME/.euterpe/config.json for Linux/macOS/freeBSD
  • %APPDATA%\euterpe\config.json for Windows

Add your new directory under the libraries directive which is a JSON list. See the configuration section for more details on configuring the server.

Further Set-Up

For more options and finer set-up check out the rest of the documentation pages. There you will find more information on how to set-up a more production-ready installation.

Running Euterpe on a home computer? See the guide for exposing it to the internet.